Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me

Hello blog. Long time no talk.

I just want to say something simple, I think. Thank you. To everyone who showed up today to call me, email me, tweet me, leave me a facebook message, or give me a real life hug and some cake.

Thank you for caring about me. Thank you for being there.

I'm going through some tough times. I need every one of you.

Sometimes I lose faith in all of this social media. Sometimes I think it's all fake, that none of you are real, that none of you care. I get a terrible sense of going it alone.

Yet I keep coming back. I don't know why. I don't know why I love social media so much. But I do.

And today, as the happy birthday wishes started in the early morning, and continued and continued through the day, as the number of wishes continued to climb, I felt strangely comforted.

You matter. Look, I'm a mess. I know it. I don't know where I am going, or how I'm going to get there. But some of you love me anyway, and I love you back.

Maybe it's just that basic. I'm really glad you exist. I'm glad I exist.

I'm glad I was born.


  1. I'm so glad you were born too. :) Sometimes, I feel the same way about social media, thus my often long hiatuses from Twitter and Fb. It just feels so pointless sometimes, especially when you need someone to talk to and everyone just seems to busy with their own lives to care or bother.
    But I too end up coming back again. That's how life is, both online and offline. Often I am surprised by the unexpected mentions, something by someone, somewhere, who shows they care in whatever way. It makes me feel blessed for all the friends I have made online.

    You are one of the people i would love to meet. I love your attitude (yes, truly) love the care and the little things you say that make me laugh often. :) I'm glad to have met you and yes, I am glad you were born.

    Hope your new year brings you all the good things in life.

    - Rabab Khan (It wouldn't let me sign in through name/url)

    1. Rabab, this was so sweet! I've been thinking for ages that it would be great to get some of us together in real life, but I think the scale of the planning involved, not to mention the costs, logistics, etc. always overwhelm me. But can you imagine a blogworld style conference with all of us in attendance? Holy moly!

      Adding it to my next big brain-dump post.

      You are very special to me, too. I keep feeling like all the usguys I met came into my life for a reason, and I just haven't puzzled out what it is, quite yet.

      Keep shining, my friend!
